We are proud of the trust our handheld water quality instruments and monitor/controllers have earned in the past. Our product line has evolved to a new level of outstanding performance and value in analytical instruments: the Ultrameter II series. While priced like affordable single-parameter instruments, the Ultrameter II does the job of up to seven instruments.
ULTRAMETER™ II Features & Benefits:
- 3 solution standards for greatest accuracy in diverse applications.
- Fully automatic temperature compensation.
- User adjustable temperature compensation (up to 9.99%/°C) which also allows TC to be disabled for applications requiring non-compensated readings.
- User adjustable conductivity/TDS conversion ratio for greater accuracy when measuring solutions not contained in the microprocessor.
- Auto-shutoff maximizes the life of the single 9V battery to more than 100 hours/5000 tests.
- Non-volatile microprocessor provides data back-up, even when the battery is changed. This assures all calibrations and memory data will be retained.
- Extended life pH/ORP sensor is user replaceable in the field.
Range of Readings:
- Conductivity: 0–9999 µS/cm 10–200 mS/cm in 5 autoranges
- Resistivity: 10 KΩ–30 MΩ
- TDS: 0–9999 ppm 10–200 ppt in 5 autoranges
- pH: 0–14 pH
- ORP: ±999 mV
- Free Chlorine Equivalent: 0.00–9.99 ppm
350 ≤ ORPmV < 725 and 0.0 ≤ pH < 9.9
725 ≤ ORPmV < 825 and 0.0 ≤ pH < 8.9 - Temperature: 0–71°C/32–160°F
ULTRAMETER™ II Applications:
- Irrigation Water
- Hydroponics
- Laboratories
- Homeland Security
- Reverse Osmosis
- Deionization
- Wastewater
- Cooling Towers
- Environmental
- Desalination
- Fountain Solutions